Bethel Baptist Builders
A Labor of Love
Averaging 100 people or so each year, the Bethel Baptist Builders are a group of volunteer workers from different churches in the Bethel Baptist Association (and several folks from other places around the country that have become a part of the ministry as a result of the ministry’s outreach and impact over several decades) in Marengo County, Alabama. These workers choose a project each year - usually building part or all of a building for a local congregation - and spend 7-10 days helping edify the structure. A worksite is usually determined in early spring, and then the mission week is usually planned around the 2nd-3rd week of June in the same year. Several men with years of carpenter experience lead different small groups sawing, hammering, cutting, and delivering materials. This group’s main operation is building joists, ceiling trellises, and stud walls (metal or wooden).
Sweet Water Baptist Church has had various members participate in this ministry for many years. Many of the officers are members of Linden Baptist Church in Linden, Alabama. Contact the LBC church office to find out more information about how you can be involved and/or support this ministry. You may visit their website here.